Cakewalk Sonitus Fx Plugin Suite

  1. Ultrafunk Sonitus Fx
  2. Sonitus Fx Suite

To go along with Mouser. There are a billion VST EQs, compressors, reverbs, multi-bands, etc. On the market. You can scour the web looking for them, but at the end of the day the Sonitus Suite is all you'll need for most projects. Sure there are other effects that you need different plugins for, but the Sonitus:fx plugs are a great core set to work from.

They all look and feel the same, so you get comfortable with them. And they function VERY well within Sonar, so you don't have to worry as much about conflicts. Definitely give them a try. Well, I have a problem with them! Yesterday I bought the suite for $79 but a strange thing happened that's never happened to me before. I downloaded them and on the web computer they would get past the serial number screen and go on ready to install, which I didn't want to do because this isn't my DAW and it isn't on the web. So, as usual I copied it to a CDR and took it back to my studio and went to install it on my DAW and it popped up and said I was using an invalid serial number, even though it was the SAME number I used on my web computer.

KVR Audio News: Cakewalk have re-released the Sonitus:fx Suite (formerly Ultrafunk Sonitus:fx) and it is now available on the Cakewalk web site. Sonitus:fx is a. Sep 04, 2016 The Sonitus:fx Suite, originally known as Ultrafunk Sonitus:fx, have been bundled with Cakewalk SONAR for over a decade now. You almost never hear about.

It did say, when I copied it to CDR that there was some 'information' that wouldn't be copied over, so I went to plan B. Next I got out a laptop HD that I have mounted in a USB case that runs off bus power. I hooked it up to my web computer and dragged and dropped the Sonitusfx suite folder over and then opened the folder and tried to install it from the HD and everything worked again but without the missing 'information' part.

Again I took this drive back to my DAW and AGAIN it would NOT install, saying I was using an invalid serial number!!!! The SAME serial number that it had worked with on the web computer!!! At this point I simply don't know what to do; I've never had anything like this happen before. It is almost as though the download was keyed to that machine and won't install on anything else.

At this point I'm VERY reluctant to EVER buy anything else from Cakewalk that is download only. Anyone have any ideas of how I can get this to install/work on my DAW?

Sonitus fx:multiband Last updated on 3/29/2016 by Michael Nickolas Multiband compression is a powerful tool and a great problem solver. It is also one of the hardest processors to learn and use. It is similar to a regular compressor as it is used to even out a performance or to add punch, definition or warmth. But, instead of acting on the entire frequency spectrum of your source, it only affects bands of your choosing.

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Putting in some hours learning a multiband compressor can pay off for you down the line with better sounding mixes. There are many features that make this plug-in special. For example the user can choose from either a Normal or a Vintage compression mode, with Normal behaving as a typical compressor does and Vintage emulating the often desired warm sound of a classic analog compressor. The multiband plug-in also features an output limiter. When activated, the limiter will automatically adjust any level exceeding 0dB to below clipping, allowing you to raise the output gain without distortion.


There is also a “TCR” (Transient Controlled Release) choice which is a feature to automatically adjust the release time in real-time to avoid fast compression changes. Below are two real world scenarios demonstrating the use of the multiband compressor to solve typical problems you might encounter as you are working on a project. I’ll be using SONAR Producer Edition as the host program. The first example is using the multiband compressor as a de-esser.

Many times you can find that a recorded vocal sound is overly sibilant. That is the top end sounds harsh, with words heavy on the letter “S” jumping out and sounding piercing perhaps. This could result from bad microphone choice or placement. Sometimes it happens when layering vocals. What sounds fine as one part becomes too “essy” when stacked with doubles or triples.

Ultrafunk Sonitus Fx


Here is a procedure using the Sonitus multiband compressor to help tame the S’s. 1) Patch the Multiband compressor into the tracks effect bin. 2) Click on the Reset button 3) Find the annoying frequency (which usually falls between 5-7kHz) as follows a. Solo Band 5 b. Also solo the vocal track in SONAR and with your song playing, click and drag the slider for Band 5’s crossover frequency, located just above the word “High” at the bottom of the plug-in screen. Drag it left and right until you find the spot where you are hearing the most of the annoying frequency. The image below shows Band 5 soloed and the High frequency set to 6935.

This means the compression settings will be working on frequencies 6935 and higher. 4)Stop the song and switch from the Common tab to the tab labeled “5”. 5)Set the ratio to 4.5, attack between 0-10, and release to 200. 6) Un-solo the vocal track in SONAR, un-solo Band 5 in the plug-in, start the song again and pull down the threshold slider located at the top of Band 5’s meter until the annoying S’s disappear. Tweak the ratio, attack, release and threshold to fine tune these basic settings.

Another use you might find for the Sonitus multiband compressor is to tame a drum loop. Many composers/producers these days use stereo drum loops (like the excellent SmartLoops collection offered by Cakewalk) to build very realistic drum parts for their projects. Of course being a stereo file, the user has no control over the mix of the different drums that make up any given loop. In some cases you might find the bass drum, snare drum or hi-hats jumping out of the mix and not blending as you wish. Use the de-essing technique above, but do so on the frequencies that make up the sound you want to tame. In the case of a snare that is too loud you will probably be adjusting both crossover Bands 4 and 5. The compression will be functioning on the frequencies that make up the distance between the two.

You will also find a shorter release, say 35-60ms is more appropriate. Playing with the attack will also affect the sound of the snare, so again, fine tune to your liking.

Using multiband compression like this can really increase the usefulness of you loop library! So, as you can see, multiband compression is a powerful tool and only one of many impressive effects available in the Sonitus:fx plug-in Suite. Put in some time to learn it, and don’t hesitate to break it out to solve your sonic problems! Michael Nickolas is a guitarist and composer in Marlborough MA.

Sonitus Fx Suite

Recent compositions have been used on CBS's 'JAG' and ShowTime's 'Soul Food'. Visit him at Email to