Canon Marketing Plan Pdf

Marketing Strategy of Canon. Discuss Marketing Strategy of Canon within. And in 1984 Canon Sales started marketing the. Developing a Website Marketing Plan. The marketing mix of Canon discusses the 4P's for Canon which has a fantastic product portfolio, with all products being stars in their market. This innovative.

10 Step Marketing Plan. 1. 10 STEP Marketing Plan forCANON DIGITAL SLR CAMERA Rocheel Lee C.

Deluta March 2012 1. DisclaimerThis 10 Step Marketing Plan is part of the mandatory requirements of Prof. Remigio Joseph De Ungria’s AGSB marketing management class.The data included in this report are based on publicly available data such as those on internet websites, news, package declarations, public reports.When appropriate, data are “masked” so as not to create unexpected conflicts.The reports are posted and linked on slideshare, blogs and facebook so that there is easier sharing among students from different marketing classes. 2.

Steps 1 to 5Summary headline of yourPTM and market1. Canon PTM are “photo lovers”, hobbyist2. Who want to be professional photographers3. Can choose Nikon and Sony4. Gap is all other brands offer high ISO performance5. Market size is 141 million, market share is 63 million (49.5%), top 10 best selling camera 3.

Steps 6 to 10 Summary headline of the marketing mix & strategy6. DSLR camera is a digital based camera where you look through the lens on the camera that will also be capturing the images. While exposure is made an internal mirror moves out of the way to let the light reach the image sensor to the images can be recorded and stored. Canon DSLR is an “Electro-Optical System”, autofocus capable7. Is priced 11% less than Sony but 8% more than Nikon8.

Marketing Plan Example Pdf

Uses events and experience9. Is distributed globally10. Uses niche and differentiation approach to win 4. 1. Canon DSLR Camera primary targetmarket (PTM) are “photo lovers” Ages 18-55 years old, social class AB and C, single, married Students, amateurs, professionals “Click” and get high quality pictures 5.

2. Canon DSLR users need to gain prestige ionalFeels like profess Self-actualization needs er photograph to Self-development & realization ong s s s Bel al cla i soc Social needs (sense of belonging, love) Safety needs (security & safety) Physiological needs (food, water, shelter) Reference: Maslow’s Hierarcy of Needs Marketing Management, 11th ed, Philip Kotler 6. 2. Photo lovers have unique needs, wants, and demandsPhoto lovers Needs to develop skills, to be professional, belong to professional photographers club, gain prestige, and achieve self- actualizationPhoto lovers Wants high quality pictures, durability and reliability, variety of features, ease of control, and shutter speed/lag time, pricePhoto lovers Demands feel professional when shooting/taking pictures, pictures can print large size with high quality output, pictures can share publicly (like FB, photos bucket, etc.) 7. 3a. Canon DSLR has manyformidable competitors Direct: Nikon, Sony, Olympus, Panasonic (Lumix), Pentax, Samsung Indirect: Point-and-shoot camera, camcorder, cellphone camera Variables: ISO sensitivity, features, price, lenses, accessories, service center availability 8. 3b.

Strategic marketing plan pdf

10220 Words May 3rd, 2012 41 Pages Canon MARKETING PLAN April 15th 2012 Table of Contents Statement of Confidentiality & Non-Disclosure3 EXECUTIVE SUMMARY4 1. SITUATION ANALYSIS5 1.1 Industry Analysis5 1.2 Sales Analysis6 1.3 Competitive Analysis8 1.4 Customer Analysis11 1.5 SWOT Analysis11 2. OBJECTIVES12 2.1 Corporate Objectives12 2.2 Marketing Objectives12 3.1 Market Segmentation Strategy13 3.2 Targeting Strategy13 3.3 Product Life Cycle14 3.4 Potential Strategies14 3.5 Core Strategy15 4. MARKETING PROGRAMS17 4.1 Marketing Mix17 4.2 Loyalty Programs20 4.3 Customer Service & Support20 4.4 Market Research20 4.5.

Advanced Smart AUTO now identifies 28 shooting scenes, making automatic shooting even more intelligent. Shoot slow motion video with the Super Slow Motion Movie function and playback at 30 fps.

Marketing Plan Template Pdf

High-Speed Burst mode for capturing sports and action shots. Cool new features like Best Image Selection and Handheld Night Scene, give you greater flexibility when shooting your favorite images. We select the followings as our target markets: 1. The young who have received higher education, and are interested in new technology innovation, as well as pursue individualistic. The middle-aged people(always the female), who have established their occupation and their social status.

They purchase digital camera mainly to record their daily life. Distribution channel is the link connecting manufacturers and consumers; Canon is beginning with 'channel flat' to quickly increase market share in China.

Marketing Plan Pdf

We select one-level selling method which means that directly through the agents or retailers delivering superior service to consumers. SITUATION ANALYSIS 1.1 Industry Analysis 1.1.1Market Characteristics Canon has occupied nearly half of the Chinese digital camera market with appropriate 14.5% market share. And our target market China, as a large population of more than 1.3 billion, is developing rapidly recent years. There is no doubt for Canon continuing to regard the large Chinese market as a main potential development. 1466 Words 7 Pages Marketing Case Study Reoport - Canon The report analyses the success factors of Canon's business during their globalization in 1960s and 1970s, then next discusses the recommendation for Xerox to combat Canon.

The report consists of the following sections. •Background of the Company – history / products •Canon Strategy •Strengths of Canon •Weaknesses of Canon •Introduction to Xerox •Xerox Strategy •Recommendations for Xerox Background of the Company Canon started its business as a camera.

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2540 Words 11 Pages However, the marketing communications objectives set in the plan is to sell this product and let it be the first in market by making people drink it and come to my pub to enjoy and have fun and try my new product. And the final question will be: Will it be a good idea to produce this drink while opening my new pub or it will be a failure strategy? What is the impact of our competitors on our sales and in our new product? First of all my topic will be about promoting a drink that is new in. 3121 Words 13 Pages 2.2 Weaknesses Weaknesses are attributes of the organisation that are harmful to the achievement of the objective.

(2.2.1 It does not advertise Advertising is one of today's hottest fields in marketing. Description or presentation of a product, idea, or organisation, in order to induce individuals to buy, support, or approve of it. (Sakae Sushi does not place great emphasis on advertisements. 398 Words 2 Pages Marketing Plan Marketing plan for Tennis world Target audience The intended target market for Tennis world will be tennis players as well as potential people who have the interest of playing tennis. This will be men, women both young and old. Specific goals and time frames The objectives of the e-marketing activities for Tennis world are; raising awareness of our existence as a company, positioning our brand and giving out adequate information on the products that we offer.