Digital Literacy Productivity Programs Answers To Guess

Digital Literacy Productivity Programs Answers To Interview Digital Literacy Productivity Programs Answers To Crossword Digital Literacy Productivity Programs Answers. Start studying Digital Literacy Productivity Programs. Learn vocabulary, terms, and more with flashcards, games, and other study tools.

  1. Top Productivity Programs

Microsoft Learning Digital Literacy: Computer Basics Assessment Instructions: How to take an Assessment Your assessment has been generated. Click Start Assessment to begin.

Helpful instructions for taking the assessment To navigate through the assessment use the Previous and Next buttons. An option button ( ) enables you to select only a single answer per question. A checkbox ( ) enables you to select multiple answers per question. The Question List button displays a list of answered and unanswered questions.

The Go button enables you to go directly to a specific question. Enter the question number and then click the Go button. The Score Assessment button scores your assessment and provides you with a personalized learning plan. Once you have clicked this button, you cannot change your answers or respond to unanswered questions.

The Time Remaining clock displays the remaining time you have to complete the assessment. When time expires, the assessment will automatically display your score report and personalized learning plan. This image explains the controls located on the question screen.

Top Productivity Programs

Digital Literacy Productivity Programs Answers To Guess

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