Oracle Soft Nofile

9.8 Configuring ulimit Settings for an Oracle Linux Container The ulimit setting of an Oracle Linux container created using the lxc-oracle template script honors the values of ulimit settings such as memlock and nofile in the container's version of /etc/security/limits.conf/ provided that these values are lower than or equal to the values on the host system. The values of memlock and nofile determine the maximum amount of address space in kilobytes that can be locked into memory by a user process and the maximum number of file descriptors that a user process can have open at the same time. If you require a higher ulimit value for a container, increase the value of the settings in /etc/security/limits.conf on the host, for example: #. soft memlock 1048576.

Jan 05, 2015 Linux -- Soft vs Hard Limits -- from Oracle's perspective. Oracle soft nofile 1024 oracle hard nofile 65536. The explanation of these setting is. Oct 05, 2014 Setting Shell Limits For Grid and Oracle Users. Posted on October 6, 2014 by james huang. Oracle soft nofile 1024 oracle hard nofile 65536 oracle soft.

hard memlock 2097152. soft nofile 5120.

Oracle Soft Nofile

Oracle soft nofile

Oracle Soft Nofile

hard nofile 10240 A process can use the ulimit built-in shell command or the setrlimit system call to raise the current limit for a shell above the soft limit. However, the new value cannot exceed the hard limit unless the process is owned by root. You can use ulimit to set or display the current soft and hard values on the host or from inside the container, for example: root@host # echo 'host: nofile = $(ulimit -n)' host: nofile = 1024 root@host # echo 'host: nofile = $(ulimit -H -n)' host: nofile = 4096 root@host # ulimit -n 2048 root@host # echo 'host: nofile = $(ulimit -n)' host: nofile = 2048 root@host # lxc-attach -n ol6ctr1 - echo 'container: nofile = $(ulimit -n)' container: nofile = 1024.

On some Linux systems setting 'hard' and 'soft' limits in the following examples might not work properly when you log in as user oracle via SSH. It might work if you log in as root and su to oracle.

If you have this problem try to set UsePrivilegeSeparation to 'no' in /etc/ssh/sshdconfig and restart the SSH daemon by executing service sshd restart. The privilege separation does not work properly with PAM on some Linux systems. Make sure to talk to the people in charge of security before disabling the SSH security feature 'Privilege Separation'.