Robert Ross A Concise History Of South Africa Pdf


This book provides a succinct overview of the past 1500 years of South African history, up to and including the government of Nelson Mandela. On the basis of a description of precolonial African societies and of colonial conquest, it concentrates on the economic and political transformations leading up to the radical changes of the past decade. Nevertheless, it also devote This book provides a succinct overview of the past 1500 years of South African history, up to and including the government of Nelson Mandela. On the basis of a description of precolonial African societies and of colonial conquest, it concentrates on the economic and political transformations leading up to the radical changes of the past decade.

Nevertheless, it also devotes much attention to the diversity of South African society and the vibrancy of its cultural life. Considering that this is a history of South Africa, site of some of the douchiest expressions of human nature in the last few centuries, this effort is wildly heartless and dull. It is a plodding sort of history, bereft of any real humanity and soul, that deals with issues like apartheid, racism, and the perennial internal social dynamics of the subcontinent with a cold indifference that causes the reader to suffer. This lack of tone or acuity in discussing apartheid (Afrikaans for 'let's be ass Considering that this is a history of South Africa, site of some of the douchiest expressions of human nature in the last few centuries, this effort is wildly heartless and dull. It is a plodding sort of history, bereft of any real humanity and soul, that deals with issues like apartheid, racism, and the perennial internal social dynamics of the subcontinent with a cold indifference that causes the reader to suffer. This lack of tone or acuity in discussing apartheid (Afrikaans for 'let's be assholes!'

) is especially stark. Individuals flow together, clear distinctions between groups aren't made, and the colorless prose is confusing. Little is made of Mandela or De Klerk or even Shaka Zulu. Crucial events are reduced to single-page mentions, and way too much energy is expended on issues of economics and the like (the author's focus, perhaps?) South Africa has rich, engaging history that could've been presented much more clearer, and with a lot more sympathy. I don't feel comfortable rating this book because it's a fairly technical work on a subject I'm not familiar with. Anyways, the book seems fairly balanced, factual, and wasn't boring. There was a good bit of name, place and event overload, so it's probably a better second book on the topic after reading the wikipedia article and looking at a nice map.

The book gives good coverage up to the beginning of the Mandela administration, without much information about the post-apartheid period. The book i I don't feel comfortable rating this book because it's a fairly technical work on a subject I'm not familiar with.

This book provides succinct coverage of the history of South Africa from the introduction of agriculture 1500 years ago up to and including the government of Nelson.


Anyways, the book seems fairly balanced, factual, and wasn't boring. There was a good bit of name, place and event overload, so it's probably a better second book on the topic after reading the wikipedia article and looking at a nice map. The book gives good coverage up to the beginning of the Mandela administration, without much information about the post-apartheid period. The book is definitely not a history of the blacks of southern Africa - the neighbouring states, the bantustans and the indigenous societies are only covered as they relate to the issues of South Africa proper. It is in some sense a history of the South African nationalist project, which may lend itself to bias in structure, emphasis and focus if not in facts. I thought it was useful, recommendable but I have no basis for comparison if you're shopping histories of South Africa. Directia generala a finantelor publice constanta. It's impressive to put the history of a country as complicated South Africa into a concise 200 pages.

This was a great starting place for learning SA's history up to 1999. (I believe there is a newer printing out now.) I was hoping for a less academic approach. Although 200 pages, the book is dense and takes time.

FYI: the spelling is not American English (e.g., organise). I have heard of another book The History of South Africa by Leonard Thompson that has received praise and think I will read It's impressive to put the history of a country as complicated South Africa into a concise 200 pages. This was a great starting place for learning SA's history up to 1999. (I believe there is a newer printing out now.) I was hoping for a less academic approach.

Although 200 pages, the book is dense and takes time. FYI: the spelling is not American English (e.g., organise). I have heard of another book The History of South Africa by Leonard Thompson that has received praise and think I will read that in the future.