Satellite Transponder List

Satellite Transponders - Company profiles are mostly extracted from URL research and reported select online sources. Featuring the channels currently uplinked to DISH Network's consumer satellite system. This site is not owned or connected to DISH Network. 188 rows Satellite TV charts. Transponder List: 13.0° East (Eutelsat Hot Bird.

Directv Satellite Transponder Channel List

Satellite Transponder List

Links to information about two-way communications satellites carrying repeaters, transponders, and digipeaters can be found here. Got around to organizing my coax switches and my @SDRPlay better so none of them are flailing around my desk and floor.

No way to do it neatly since I did not want to drill holes in my 4' X 8' teak conference table / desk. This lets me switch either of my M2 LEO Pack antennas, or either one of my HF longwires, to the SDRplay. Each LEO Pack antenna can be switched to either of my FT-991s, my Kenwood TH-D72a (or use that cable to go to my TYT-9800) or to the SDRplay. Likewise, either the 175' or 123' HF longwire is switchable from the two rigs to the SDRplay. The two black squares on the two SMA antenna inputs of the SDRplay are BCB filters which are needed on HF because of the strong AM transmitter near me (less than three miles.) BTW, they do great with 60 db of attenuation. Solved with a $6 Home Depot shelf.

Nearly $500 worth of stuff mounted on this board! Now, I can clean up the coax mess part of the rat's nest too by adding four 18' LMR400 jumpers and some right sized longer jumpers instead of lengths I just happen to have on hand.

Satellite 119 Transponder List

This is like cleaning out your sock drawer. Anything but rocket science and not as much fun as sat play - which is partly why it has dragged on for months! 73 de Robert K3RRR.