Bullguard 7.0 Serial

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Testing this now - just doing the full scan, it's been on 3% for over 2 hours, and estimates 41 hours to go! It's either a very thorough or a very slow scan! That said, I'm quite impressed at the low impact the scanning is having on my resources. I can open and run other programs with minimal delay, unlike many other AV scans, which seem to hog all the resources. CPU usage reads high (average 85% while scanning), but still this doesn't seem to impact on performance. Quite weird, in fact. One thing I would immediately question is why the need to 'log in' to BG each time Windows starts?

OK, there's a box to do this automatically, but what am I logging into, exactly? Secondly, I'm not sure about the Backup utility.

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Do I really want to send all my documents to them to store online? How secure is the facility? What guarantee is there that no one can access these files? At the moment, I have no intention of using this feature, and it would have been nice if, like KIS, there were some install options to leave features out that one doesn't want installed, so as not to be nagged to use them. I like the interface, but it's not outstanding. I'm impressed with the apparent lack of system hogging, but I hope the full scan speeds up a bit.

Oddly, it claims to have found 14 infections, but I have yet to discover what these are. Presumably it will list them at the end, but on a new Windows installation, when KIS found nothing just the other day, I'll be interested to see what BG claims to have found. I'll continue the trial for now, but I have to say, I haven't found anything in BG as yet, which would convince me to permanently dump KIS. Can't say I'm impressed with this. The full system scan took an unbelievable 6 hours and 51 minutes!! I have never used an AV that took that long before.


It then claimed to find 113 infections. Bearing in mind, this is a new Windows installation, and Kaspersky and the online F-Secure scanners found nothing, I find it hard to believe BullGuard's findings. Most of them, I have to admit, relate to cracks or keygens for other software, so maybe it's just finding things that might be viruses?

I then allowed it to run the fixes, and it takes about an hour for each 'Round' of fixes. After 4 rounds, it still hadn't managed to fix 72 of the 113 issues it claimed to find. I have contacted BG support, and was impressed that they answered almost immediately, but they have suggested running a scan in safe mode, and sending them the log. I really don't want to leave the PC on over night again, if it's going to take another 7 hours, but do I simply discount what BG claims to find, and go back to KIS, which reports that my machine is clean?

If it was simple enough for me to revert to version 6 I would, but I upgraded due to a bug in version 6 which was making my PC pretty much unusable. I had that exact same problem with my soundblaster XF-i platinum, and i traced it down to filespy5.sys driver located in your bullguard directory.

Strawberry patch products with love from my kitchen. If u rename the file and restart your computer so that the driver won't load u will see that the problem has gone. This also means file monitoring isn't working anymore and bullguard isn't checking files for viruses anymore! I then upgraded to version 7.0 also and noticed the problem was solved in this version, again HOWEVER the new bdfilespy.sys driver (TAG = SHSF) keeps allocating memory but never deallocates it, i can see this using poolmon.exe from the windows driver development kit.

I could also see that after some heavy usuage of the pc with creating files that the driver was using 200 MB of unpaged memory and it kept increasing!!! My guess a memory leak in the driver! I emailed them about my findings and i'm waiting for a reply now. The memory usuage i was refering to was the usuage from the bdfilespy.sys file and only that file which is way to much.

U can check this usuage using poolmon (availible from the microsoft site, download windows Driver development kit it's part of that) or pooltag ( u have to register to download it) the one u need to look at is the Tag SHSF, that's from the bdfilespy.sys file, as u will notice it's low when u start windows but when u create lots of files (5000 png files unlimited number of times) u will quickly see it increasing and never stops increasing and never gets freed. I had a crash again recently and it might be due to this driver again will have to investigate again when i unload it. If it is due to this file that my sound crashes i'll ditch bullguard and get some other antivirus!!! Svchost.exe one is 45.900 KB, bullguard.exe is 2.910 kb normal memory and 66.900 kb Virtual memory but i'm not that concerned about that, i'm more concerned of the memory usuage by bdfilespy.sys when u let the pc running for a while!

I installed nod32 today, i know it isn't bloated like most of the antivirus software but i did a quick checkup on their system driver. It uses exactly about 12 Mb of nonpaged kernel memory and during my testing i can see it allocating memory and freeing it after every file it scans (automaticly). This is most probably the problem with the system driver from bullguard forgetting to free some allocated memory. That's a big diffrence if u ask me 200 mb versus 12 mb and it doesn't fail my tests.

I tried out trends pc cillin 2007 as well, and it used some more memory but it was paged kernel memory (which has a limit of 360 mb, the nonepaged has a limit of about 260 mb) it used aproximatly 50 mb and passed my tests as well. However pc cillin 2007 has a problem with eating up cpu performance when u start ure pc and sometimes during a windows session as well. So that's a no go for me either. Currently i'm happy with nod32 i'll be testing it for 30 days now. Nod32 doesn't have antispam, firewall and might not be for a common user with little knowledge (needs some configuring). But it does what it needs doing and very well with little resources.

As a firewall i'm currently using outpost and i like it, and for antispam i'm using spam bully which works great for the moment. I do hope bullguard fixes the Kernel memory usuage and the spam filter once that's fixed i might come back to bullguard cause it's a great product once all the little faults are taken care of. So after first posting in Feb and finding out that first issues were reported in OCT 06.today I thought I would ask for an update (I had time to kill!) and got the following response: 'Btw, can i ask if the issues that were occurring with v7 have been resolved now? I used the forum (my message is on the 'Bullguard 7.0' post under the name ManUKilla) and saw that a lot of people had the same issues as me? High-mem usage, PC freezing etc after installing v7? Berndt We are still working on the updates with which these problems will be solved.

Berndt After we have solved these problems, all the users will be notified and you will be able to use the latest BullGuard version. Visitor thanks for that, appreciate the update.

Have a nice day.' They're STILL working on the issues but are also STILL offering v7 for download. Why would you do that to yourself?! Offer a prog that has id'd issues?! Unless there are more people not having probs (how that is possible I don't know) than are?

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I give the support top marks because they are always avail so easily and will give you answers but seriously, to have had a prod on the market for 6 mnths or so without it working properly is v poor. Wonder if I will still be on 6.1 by the end of my subs next year?! I'm beginnig to get a feeling of deja-vu! These probs with 7.0 are not confined to this thread. For my part, for the past three weeks, de!!!!e all the usual housekeeping etc., my pc has been moving slower than my Gran and she died years ago.

Plus, I keep getting this message that others have mentioned 'Bullguard has neutralised an attack.' Yada yada, and I am preremptorarily thrown off the internet and have to re-boot before I can get back on.

I have over 14 messages from BG support (.plus 14 going back to them.!), each instructing me to faff about with all sorts, but I knew it was something to do with them 'adjusting' something (which they've just admitted to me and suggested I go back to 6!). I am most put out, as I have paid a 2 year sub for this and now I don't even know if the BG firewall is protecting me in those lapses between be being kicked out and booting up again as my browser window in which I clear my cache and cookies is there when I boot back up, having done neither. I kinda expected 'professionals' to know more than me.! So you are still having probs with v7,Galadriel? When i emailed support for the 6.1 download,they added that,'all the issues with the beta version of Bullguard 7 have been fixed' If BG 7,until recently has been a beta version,then why wasn't it labeled as such? Isn't that illegal or something?

As i understand it 'beta',means an unfinished product being tested for stability,but the user is using it at their own risk,as the progs could damage the O/S. How can you make the decision to use a product like this,if it has been labeled as a 'final'? Like you I renewed my subs a few months ago,and now i wish i had gone with Nod32 with Outpost,as separates. I have lost all faith in Bullguard.