Facebook Password Recovery

Chapel, New Mexico This week I had a very difficult loss. My mother passed away.

There are so many feelings that rush through your mind and body, when you loose someone so close. At this time in my life, I don’t think there is a normal or non normal way to feel. I am just aware of my feelings. I am sure that you have lost people that were very close to you. I am saddened, but I know life will go on. I am with my children and siblings.

It is a day to take a positive inventory. I am grateful for the time my mother was here on earth. She had a very strong influence in my life. Each day is a new day on this earth.

If you've lost your Facebook login password, there are a couple of ways to recover access to your account.

We are all on our journey to death. Hug those people you love, never let a day go by without a positive inventory of your blessings. Know that life changes. Thank you for your support on our journey @ SoberLifeResource.com. Stay sober, the feelings are not easy, but they are real. There are no normals in loss, just be your genuine self.

Setting Sun “Precious moments are those that you cherish for the rest of your life because the people in them exist no more.” Herman J. Good Selfish Selfishness can be thought of in a negative context. If someone was to say that you were selfish, what would you think? Would you be upset? Recently I talked about selfishness with family and the discussion did not go well. Selfishness does not really sit well with family. In talking about family and caring, selfishness is not usually viewed as positive.

Actually selfishness is a word to describe some essential thoughts and behaviors that are very necessary in addiction recovery. You see, the word selfish can mean that you are focused on yourself. It could also be defined as a narrow focus. While the disease of addiction is a selfish disease which only considers itself.

Recovery can also be a selfish process. To stay focused on recovery you have to focus on self. Focusing on others first can lead to relapse. You may have to stay away from people that are important to you and activities with families that may lead to relapse. If you are not egocentric, you will place yourself in dangerous situations. In your selfishness you actually are unselfish.

This is the real paradox. Your friends and family that truly care about you would want you to be selfish in your recovery. By being selfish, you will become unselfish as your life grows and you become a better family member and a productive member of society. What are you doing for yourself today?.


What have you had to change in your recovery?. Share these with your sponsor, accountability partner or support group. After the Game Good morning, it’s Super Bowl Monday. That is the day after the big day. Whether your favorite team won or lost, Monday is here.

It is time to keep moving, as the race for life continues. As the fans prepared for the big day, an excitement grew. Superbowl plans were made for food, friends and events. The game is over, the best team won and the new week begins.

Such events can take you off your goal. While it is great to enjoy a nice weekend, don’t loose focus on your game plan of recovery. The weekend is over, but the daily steps continue.

The teams are back at the drawing boards refocusing on their goals for next year. Take a few minutes in your morning to refocus. What are your goals for recovery this week? What are your daily steps? Focus and daily steps are your continued keys to your life of recovery. Through the ups and downs in this roller coaster ride we call life, focus on what is most important is the only way to survive.

Focus on what is most important to you. Your daily inventory will help you refocus and stay the course. Why did you choose to change your life?. Write down one thing that is most important to you, today. Share these with your sponsor, accountability partner or support group.

Bring the ball back into focus “You can’t depend on your eyes when your imagination is out of focus.” Mark Twain. 360 Feedback What is 360 degrees? Literally, 360 degrees is the angle measurement of a full circle. In a circle, there are no beginnings and no endings. When discussing feedback, the 360 is feedback from the people around you. Feedback from these people is very valuable in your growth while on your sober journey.

Your feedback will be very helpful in our growth, here at SoberLifeResource.com. Your method of feedback is welcome any way that you choose.

You can find our email under the contact page. You can also find us @ Facebook, twitter and google +. Facebook @YourGreatSoberLife You can join our group @YourGreatSoberLife or follow our page Twitter @ SoberLifeResource@GreatSoberLife We want to know what is working well in your life. Do you find the daily strengths at SoberLifeResource.com, helpful?

Do you share the posts with your friends? What is missing in your life? Do you have any questions about sobriety, addiction or recovery? Your feedback is very important. Connect with others on line and you will find a great world of recovery information and support. The circle of addiction recovery is strong and continues to grow.

Thank you for joining the wolf, keep the strength! Thank you for your feedback!

“We all need people who will give us feedback. That’s how we improve.” Bill Gates. Change Unexpectedly, accepting growth can be very difficult. We are used to our current normalcy, then change happens. The new new normal begins. It is not as easy as it sounds.

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Growth is expected and we are even excited, but the new normal is difficult to get used to. If you have any children, remember how excited your were when they were born, when they got their first tooth, when they walked for the first time and even when they talked. As they continued to grow, your life changed. There were new needs and new expectations. In your recovery, you are growing and changing. There will be a new normal with new expectations.

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It may not be easy, but it will be worth it. Your life has been renewed and each day brings with it new opportunities and new experiences through sober eyes.

You may see life as you have not seen it in a long time. It is important to know that this change is good, it is expected, it may be uncomfortable, but this change is growth. Stop for a minute in your day and think about the changes in your life. Thank yourself for making the choice to change, today.

Write down one thing that has changed in your life. Write down one thing that is difficult due to your sober life. Share these with your sponsor, accountability partner or support group.

Accept Growth “Accept what you can’t change, change what you can’t accept.” Author Unknown. Lost Every day you come to moments of decision. How to you decide which path to take, which choice is the right choice? Recently a young man had a great job.


He worked very hard every day. He appeared to be taking care of business. He thought he had all his bases covered and this job would continue indefinitely.

He was making some wrong choices and became overwhelmed with his addiction and ended up loosing the job he loved. He made choices without thinking about the outcomes. He began using other people’s money. He ended up not even showing up for work. If he had stopped for a moment and thought through his choices perhaps his outcomes would have changed.

There is a saying, play it forward. To play it forward is to think about the end result of your decision, before you decide to move forward. Think about where you will be tomorrow if you use, just a little bit, today. What will you loose tomorrow? What are you willing to give up when the results hit the fan? How important is your sobriety to you?

What has changed in your life? Gratitude for the life you have today, will help you stay out the quagmire of consequences. Write down one good thing in your life today. Write down one good thing, you could loose. Share these with your sponsor, your accountability partner or support group. ##play it forward##outcomes##consequences##gratitude Grateful for the Earth on Which You Walk “In daily life we must see that it is not happiness that makes us grateful, but gratefulness that makes us happy.” Brother David Steindl-Rast.

Choices When you choose your friends, do you use rational judgement? Do you choose friends that help you grow or bring you down?

Judging others for their situation is not a good thing to do. You never know the trials they have endured in their lives. But, you can judge who you choose to learn from, and with whom you choose to spend your time. Rational judgement is thinking about your choices, thinking about your judgments. When choosing friends, it is a good idea to use rational judgment. Do your friends help you grow or keep your from growth?

We are always changing, either for the better or worse. Everything in life is a learning episode. Either we are learning to grow or learning to regress. In nature, even the birds have to choose their friends wisely. If they choose the wrong friends their lives are at risk.

Larger birds prey on the smaller birds. In the human world there are people that prey on other people. Use rational judgement to choose your friends. Three key ingredients to great friendships are balance, trust and support. Seek out friends that balance give and take, don’t seek out takers. True friends give each other emotional support.

When you are down, steer clear of negative people. Friendship all about trust and respect. Who are your friends?. Write down one thing you have learn from your friends. Share your story with your sponsor, accountability partner or support group. ##friends##rational##trust##support##balance Balance, Trust and Support “The people you surround yourself with influence your behaviors, so choose friends who have healthy habits.” Dan Buettner.

If you use Yahoo, GMail or a Live account as your Facebook email, you can set your Facebook password to the same as your email account. Click on the first option and then the “Continue” button. A pop-up will appear where you can click on “Continue”, allowing Facebook to access your e-mail account (pictured is Yahoo) to gather your contacts and retrieve your email password. NOTE: YOU MUST BE LOGGED INTO YOUR E-MAIL ACCOUNT BEFORE USING THIS OPTION!

If you choose this option, you’re finished and can log into Facebook with the password you use for your e-mail account. If you want a separate password from your e-mail account (highly recommended in the event someone hacks your e-mail), choose option two. In a seperate window, open your e-mail account.

You’ll have a code sent to you email like the one below: Go back to your Facebook and type the code in.