Html Css Javascript Interview Questions And Answers Pdf

StanleyJHubert 4-Dec-14 0:54 4-Dec-14 0:54 Really nice revision of HTML5 features. I also see you have wrote a with these resources, I appreciate that and I would like to say that I will use them, but I hope you will continue with the missing days in that learning series (I cannot find part 2 and 3).

Also I see what you plan on covering in them and I must say I'm excited to finally have a great bookmark for any future references. Just some thoughts about what I hope you could add as well, some information about video and audio (or is this going to be covered with a 'Media' part). Anyway again thank you for your time and for sharing, you know my plan is that I would give your articles as a starting point to our interns, after which I would additionally give them and hopefully they will become more comfortable with working with them.

Latest JavaScript Interview Questions and Answers PDF. Below is the list of latest and updated JavaScript interview questions and their answers. (HTML, CSS and. PHP Tutorial PDF, HTML Tutorial PDF, CSS Tutorial PDF, JAVASCRIPT questions and answers for freshers are. Questions and answers pdf HTML5 interview questions, HTML.

The full form of CSS is Cascading Style Sheets. It is a styling language which is simple enough for HTML elements. It is popular in web designing, and its application is common in XHTML also. What is the origin of CSS? Standard Generalized Markup Language marked the beginning of style sheets in 1980s.

What are the different variations of CSS? The variations for CSS are:.

CSS 1. CSS 2. CSS 2.1. CSS 3. CSS 4 4.

What are the limitations of CSS? Limitations are:. Ascending by selectors is not possible. Limitations of vertical control. No expressions. No column declaration.


Pseudo-class not controlled by dynamic behavior. Rules, styles, targeting specific text not possible 5. What are the advantages of CSS? Advantages are:.

Bandwidth. Site-wide consistency. Page reformatting. Accessibility. Content separated from presentation. How can the dimension be defined of an element?

Dimension properties can be defined by:. Height. Max-height. Max-width. Min-height.

Interview Questions And Answers Pdf

Min-width. Width 35. Define float property of CSS? By float property, the image can be moved to the right or the left along with the text to be wrapped around it.

Questions To Ask In An Interview

Elements before this property is applied do not change their properties. How does Z index function? Overlapping may occur while using CSS for positioning HTML elements. Z index helps in specifying the overlapping element.

It is a number which can be positive or negative, the default value being zero. What is graceful degradation? In case the component fails, it will continue to work properly in the presence of a graceful degradation. The latest browser application is used when a webpage is designed.

As it is not available to everyone, there is a basic functionality, which enables its use to a wider audience. In case the image is unavailable for viewing, text is shown with the alt tag. What is progressive enhancement? It’s an alternative to graceful degradation, which concentrates on the matter of the web.

The functionality is same, but it provides an extra edge to users having the latest bandwidth. It has been into prominent use recently with mobile internet connections expanding their base. How can backward compatibility be designed in CSS? HTML sheet methods is collaborated with CSS and used accordingly. How can the gap under the image be removed?

Css Interview Questions And Answers

As images being inline elements are treated same as texts, so there is a gap left, which can be removed by: CSS.