Snubber Design For Forward Converter

Koosuke Harada
  1. Electronics And Communications In Japan Part I-communications

038 Forward Converter Design - Part V Snubber and Clamp Circuits Snubber and clamp design for a forward converter. Introduction This article continues the series in which Dr. Ridley documents the processes involved in taking a power supply from the initial design to the full-power prototype. In part V, attention is turned to the secondary side of the converter, where snubbers and clamps are added to protect the output rectifiers. Secondary Catch Diode Ringing Voltage In Part IV of this series of articles 1, the primary voltage spikes on the switching FETs were properly controlled with improved layout and high-frequency bypass capacitors. This greatly improved the ruggedness of the converter. Voltage spikes and ringing can also be seen on the secondary of the converter.

Electronics and Communications in Japan Part I-communications

Snubber Design For Forward Converter Ic. Zero- voltage switching converter Analog content from Electronic Design. The “TWitt” converter shown features a forward. Design of Forward Converter with Energy Regenerative Snubber 1. Introduction The forward converter is a relatively simple and popular topology and retains many. Choosing Standard Recovery Diode. Not the only design consideration for snubber. Vf is the sum of forward voltage of rectifier.

Figure 1 shows the ringing across the catch diode with 100 VAC applied to the primary of the converter (maximum voltage rating is 280 VAC). This ringing must be suppressed before higher voltages can be applied to the converter. A peak voltage of 175 V is seen at the leading edge of the waveform, more than three times higher than the anticipated square wave voltage of 50 V. If this is not controlled, the secondary rectifiers will fail when full voltage is applied. Figure 1: Secondary catch diode voltage waveform, V D, with 100 VAC applied and no snubber.

Snubber Design For Forward Converter

Electronics And Communications In Japan Part I-communications

Abstract A snubber circuit protects semiconductor switches in a dc-dc converter from voltage stresses. The snubber composed of a resistor and a capacitor, namely the RC snubber, is used widely for protection circuit, although the power dissipation in RC snubbers deteriorates the power efficiency of converters. To remedy this drawback, a nondissipative LC snubber composed of an inductor, a capacitor and diodes has been developed.

The LC snubber is not only nondissipative in principle but also has a feature to reduce the switching power-loss in semiconductor switches. As for the design of the snubbers, for the RC snubbers the power dissipation in the snubber circuit is the point to be considered; and for the LC snubber, the power loss in the semiconductor switch is taken as a criterion from its features. In this paper, the design procedure of the LC snubber in a forward converter is discussed in the following order: First, the operation of a forward converter with the LC snubber is examined. Next, the energy loss in a switching transistor is evaluated, and the condition to minimize this energy loss is provided. As a result, the procedure to determine the optimum values of the snubber capacitor and snubber inductor is reported. Sims 2 download.