Wow Talent Calc For All Patches

Description: SMF- Wo. Created by the almighty Darkimmortal on EU- Kilrogg. 3: Second public release.

  1. Balance Druid
  2. Legion

Let's link this thread at anyone who whines about bringing Vanilla raiding back. I would not inflict these talent trees on anyone. Did they bring out the BC talents a few months before BC? Because I don't even remember these trees and I had an orc hunter at 40 when BC came out and I know I wasn't one of those noobs that didn't even realize we had talents (was still a noob though.) I do remember looking at trees on my paladin as well (he was 35) and picking holy because 'holy shock looked like good dps ability' lol.

Also thought I saw Avenger's Shield but maybe that was after BC came out. There have been quite a few patches that tweaked talents; including some complete redesigns of certain class-trees. The official site has the original patch notes: Warrior + Warlock Hunter Druid Paladin Priest Mage + Shaman Rogues I might have missed some in there too. Wow.Hunters really DID have Lacerate. Actually,looking at Surv tree back then,imho it was kinda possible for melee hunters to do.some dps. I was looking at that too. The Survival tree was a melee tree.

I'm actually checking out how the Survival tree is a big contradiction. It was a melee and trap tree. Isn't the biggest point of traps is to gain distance from your target? No need for that when you are meleeing. 'Twas a survivability tree, as the name implies.

You need to be able to defend yourself when people get up close and personal and you need to utilize your traps. Don't bother trying to get the old trees to make sense, heh.:-P. I vaguely remember Precision in the paladin prot tree. And after looking at it I really think Blizzard wanted Shamans to tank, but scrapped the idea without fixing the talents.

Taken from Blizzard's own: 'While they do not excel at any one aspect of their repertoire, they function passing well when performing most tasks called upon by a party. Need a support healer? Looking for a secondary tank? After another damage-dealer? Have an empty slot that needs someone to support the group in general? The Shaman can provide.' And that's still up right now.

I vaguely remember Precision in the paladin prot tree. And after looking at it I really think Blizzard wanted Shamans to tank, but scrapped the idea without fixing the talents.

Taken from Blizzard's own: 'While they do not excel at any one aspect of their repertoire, they function passing well when performing most tasks called upon by a party. Need a support healer? Looking for a secondary tank? After another damage-dealer?

Have an empty slot that needs someone to support the group in general? The Shaman can provide.' And that's still up right now. It may as well also say: 'Need someone to serve the raid Kool-aid? Do you want some wolves to pet? Do you like getting larger? The Shaman can provide.'

Taken from Blizzard's own: 'While they do not excel at any one aspect of their repertoire, they function passing well when performing most tasks called upon by a party. Need a support healer? Looking for a secondary tank? After another damage-dealer?


Have an empty slot that needs someone to support the group in general? The Shaman can provide.' And that's still up right now. I tanked quite a few instances while leveling, and have also tanked a few heroics. I think we do just fine as secondary tanks.even better once we get our mini-taunt thingamajig.

Guardian Druid TalentsLegion

Balance Druid

For prot paladin, T1 not sure which to use, First Avenger for more dmg on my Avenging Shield.or Consecrated Hammer for no CD and Bonus Dmg at all time. Though on T7 Final Stand feels more.mandatory than the others. Yet for DK Runic Longevity seems to be mandatory as well. I mean a 7th rune + 10% rune regeneration seems pretty solid. While Vigor for Outlaw Rogue seems mandatory giving 50 energy and increasing the regen by 10%. I mean I'm not complaining.


Download templates for resume. But I feel that there won't be a variety in builds as much. Enjoy the talents regardless.