Mosby Medical Nursing And Allied Health Dictionary description: Product Description: This educational and professional resource in the health sciences, includes definitions covering areas of nursing, medicine and allied health. It presents detailed definitions and pronunciations for selected entries.

  1. Medical
  2. Science
Mosby Medical Nursing And Allied Health Dictionary

The new edition of this best-selling dictionary offers readers maximum definition! Meticulously revised and updated to reflect all the changes in nursing and allied.


Observations, interventions and nursing considerations for major disease definitions are included, as well as a colour atlas of human anatomy. Most entries include etymologies to assist the reader in learning and understanding medical terminology. Thumb indexes should help readers locate entries quickly and easily. Ncsexpert windows 7 mini cooper. Colour illustrations are used to supplement and enhance definitions. This edition contains over 6000 new definitions and 2000 new illustrations, which illustrate anatomy, equipment, skin and eye conditions, cytology and tissue pathology.

Mosby Medical Nursing And Allied Health Dictionary


Mosby's dictionary far exceeded my expectations for medical knowledge. Its pictures, charts, tables, and lab data are incredibly useful in getting better understanding of the diseases, conditions, procedures, and body structures that you are researching. Mosby's is not for the faint of heart, the numerous photographs, diagrams, and pictures are very graphic especially with some of the congenital anomalies and skin disorders. A lot of nurses that I went to school with (and I agree) feel that this was the better choice of reference because it prepares you for what you may encounter and many of us are visual learners (we have to see to understand). I really like how informative the definitions are and have found there are more listings here then in other dictionaries such as Tabors. We keep a reference Mosby on my floor and I also have one saved in my personal office.

Its a valuable tool for anyone entering the medical profession or interested in anatomy or health. A very handy reference book for anyone in the medical profession. It allows you to find information quickly and answers basic questions about diagnoses, signs and symptoms and medical terms. It is written in clear and concise language.

It has colorful and descriptive pictures. I wish I had this in nursing school years ago!! Recently, I've used it as an RN in Home Healthcare practice and as a coding/compliance auditor when reviewing documentation. Overall, it has saved me a lot of time and allowed me to look up details that I didn't know easily. I keep it with me as part of my essential books. I couldn't tell you how many times I have had to look up a term I didn't know and it wasn't in Webster's dictionary. Anyone in the mediacl field-Respiratory therapists, Physical Therapists, occupational therapists, nurses, Radiology technicians will find this book to be very valuable.

Mosby Medical Nursing And Allied Health Dictionary

It is written as clearly and simply as possible. Of course, everyone's favorite part is all the color photos and diagrams. It was worth every penny. This book would be great for any allied health students or graduates. It makes reading those difficult textbooks mcuh easier.